Another route to Health Psychology: via the Scottish Highlands

Hi everyone and welcome to our next blog entry. We have the pleasure of learning from Hannah Proudfoot, Health Psychologist. Hannah offers an excellent example of working with change and uncertainty across her journey to becoming a Practitioner Psychologist, but also and experience of leaning into the change and letting it form part of her decisions. We hope you will find Hannah's journey an inspiration, as much as we do! Another route to Health Psychology: via the Scottish Highlands I completed my Psychology undergraduate degree at Durham university in 2014, and unlike many of my peers, I didn’t have a grad scheme or internship lined up straight away. I had been taking the approach of “focus on the current hurdle in front of you” and had actively decided not to rush into anything right away to allow myself time to figure out what I wanted to do next. I knew I wanted to continue pursuing Psychology in some way, I just wasn’t sure what that looked like yet. I decided to sign up for ...