The Psychology of workplaces and organisations: Catherine Stephens' experience

Hello everyone and welcome to our next blog entry. We are very fortunate to learn from an Organisational Psychologist and trainee Occupational Psychologist, Catherine Stephens. Catherine highlights how Psychology forms part of every business and organisation and a Psychologist can be a valuable asset to any team, regardless of sector or size. Choosing this career path required a leap of faith, but it seems to have paid off in spades. We hope you will find reading Catherine's journey inspiring! Catherine Stephens Organisational Psychologist and trainee Occupational Psychologist Like many other aspiring Psychologists, my journey into the profession started when I chose to study Psychology at A-Level. At the time it was a fairly new offering at my school and I thought the course sounded interesting. It quickly became my favourite subject and when it was time to choose what I wanted to study at University, it was easily a contend...